Technologies To Consolidate Digital Transformation. Tools To Go Back To The Office

Technologies: Digital transformation, a pillar of the new hybrid work models that will begin to accelerate as of September, must be integrated into the cultural transformation projects of organizations. Some questions then arise that those responsible must know how to face: how to start a digital transformation project in human resources? What tools do we have at our disposal to establish these projects? In what areas should we be able to focus on developing these projects?
Throughout the following points, we will analyze how technology can influence the different areas that are key when starting a digitization project. Technologies Of course, they will not be the only ones. However, they could be essential to initiate and promote flexible work models.
Internal Communication Tools For A Hybrid Model
Confinement due to the coronavirus crisis jeopardized our ability to collaborate. Still, it also discovered that tools help us continue working and facilitate communication between all team members.
In some cases, some companies began to provide team members with communication tools without considering that a video meeting tool, or email, is not effective enough to support an entire internal communication project. Technologies A good communication plan must be connected with the organization’s philosophy and objectives to help everyone know what is expected of them and what they can expect of the company and others.
About 7 in 10 companies have not communicated a clear vision of post-pandemic work. In this sense, McKinsey publishes that it is 68% and warns of the negative consequences that this can have for employee productivity.
Time Management In Hybrid Environments
Human Resources managers already have specific tools to develop time management in distributed teams, focused on three different but connected areas within talent management: Technologies employee shift management, remote task control, and time registration in teleworking.
Shift management automation enables organizations to quickly and efficiently detect schedule conflicts and other anomalies that may arise. This system allows organizing the shifts of the distributed teams. In addition, thanks to this technology, the employee can always be aware of the assigned shift wherever he is.
A time control technology allows the rest patterns, schedules, and days agreed between the company and the employee to be controlled, providing essential information in teleworking times.
In addition, we can thus establish specific patterns for recurring absences since time control technologies would help us control the number of hours (including overtime) dedicated to working.
Remote Task Management
Keeping track of the work performed by each employee regularly and keeping track of everything done so far has become the fundamental task of many talent managers, especially when leaders have had to organize telecommuting in their organization.
These task control tools allow opening spaces where the project manager can communicate more effectively and offer effective feedback.
New Workspaces
In this way, many workspaces underwent modifications that will remain to ensure the safety of the workers, taking advantage to redefine the common areas thanks to the opportunity to reserve spaces in a shared office. Thus, the “Hot Desking” system adapts perfectly to the new dynamics in the workplace, achieving the flexibility demanded by hybrid work models.
On the other hand, confinement forced us to rethink private spaces simultaneously once we had to work from home. With just a computer and an internet connection, many employees had to cope with their responsibilities in this way.
Onboarding Processes In Virtual
Onboarding new workers this year has become more challenging than ever. Companies have had to use ingenuity to keep those onboarding processes from getting so cold.
The technology to carry out onboarding processes can help us carry out essential tasks, such as activating the emails of new hires, centralizing information about their new jobs and colleagues, or generating notifications for new ones. Employee. In addition, the new tools allow establishing personalized communication for each person, managing specific training courses, or the possibility of automating pending activities to be carried out.
The New Selection And Recruitment Processes To Enhance The Candidate Experience
Recruitment technology has helped solve many of the recruiting and selection officers faced during the Pandemic. The difficulties in getting the best possible talent were partly alleviated thanks to the selection and recruitment software.
Thus, ATS (Applicant Tracking System) are systems designed to streamline each recruitment process as much as possible and are a crucial element in maintaining a distributed team within a hybrid work culture.
A recruiting software with an integrated multiposting system helps Human Resources work simultaneously with different recruiting sources fully automated. Some plans even offer a portal for the candidate to continue to maintain rapport and communication.
Measure Productivity And Job Satisfaction
Human Resources has tools to measure the productivity and well-being of employees in times of teleworking.
A performance appraisal is the most objective way to measure and evaluate an employee’s work during a specific period and his contribution to the company’s objectives. An aspect that is essential when employees are away. Its features include functionalities to design and send questionnaires, create reports, compare results, or request feedback.
The survey of adapting to teleworking can help provide relevant information on emotional and practical aspects of working remotely because employees can detect faults in which the controller has not detected laid plans.
In addition, rethinking the data analysis strategy, adding necessary nuances to the metrics (commitment at work, rotation, productivity), or establishing some new ones (ROI of teleworking activities), will bring us closer to better understanding what happens in our organization. Time the anticipated cultural and technological changes are addressed.
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