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HomeBUSINESSFive Myths About Website Development Using The Tilda Website Builder. Upload Cases

Five Myths About Website Development Using The Tilda Website Builder. Upload Cases

Myth 1. A  Website On A Constructor Is Undignified

Five Myths About Website: The site on the constructor is ordered not only by small businesses but also by large organizations. It can be a landing page for specific tasks: selling a service, a project for a separate target audience, an event, a website for a new division of the company.

Modern Transport Technologies

The company CTT is an example of original design combined with an exciting development story that can be turned into a specific approach.

About The Project

The site is intended for clients of Modern Transport Technologies Group – the exclusive distributor of GAZ Group. Five Myths About Website In content and design – emphasis on technology and modernity. It was important to tell in detail about the available services and position “CTT” as a company that accompanies the client at all stages of the life cycle of owning commercial vehicles and helps develop the business.


Why was Tilda chosen? Previously, we have already made a mini-site “Vacancies” for the customer to search for employees. It was developed in literally two days on Tilda, and everyone liked it very much.

Therefore, when the client applied to develop a full-fledged website for the CTT company and announced that “we needed it even yesterday,” we immediately offered to use Tilda. Based on the CEO’s vision, we prepared the content and proposed the design. The approvals took place in several stages and took quite a long time. Five Myths About Website Fortunately, we have been working with this client for a long time, and we have accumulated a lot of materials. The site “CTT” has united several previously implemented content and semantic load projects.

Convenience is that existing pages can be easily made part of a new site. If you do not yet know which pages the site will consist of, develop one for the performance of a specific function: selling goods, hiring employees, company presentation. Then you can add it to the general structure. In the case of CTT, the Jobs page blended well with the new site. It is located on a subdomain but in the same Tilda account and is just as easy to administer.


On this project, the designers have worked on each site block separately. The sketches were first prepared in Figma. Then everything was moved and finalized in Tilda.

We used design elements from previous projects that we made for the client—for example, 3D car models on the home screen. Five Myths About Website We created an exciting solution with them in the form of step-by-step animation – this is when the page elements perform sequential steps, and the image is transformed.

On the first screen of the site, the transformation of cars from outline drawings into drawings of real cars is realized. Animation creates an association with technology, modern solutions. The image supports the platform on which cars appear.

Myth 2. Only Standard Solutions Can Be Implemented On The Constructor

Tilda allows you to create a unique design, customize animations and refine functionality to meet the needs of your business. However, we always try to figure out how we can limit ourselves only to the efforts of designers and editors, as well as Tilda’s standard functions, so as not to delay and complicate the project. We attract developers only if we cannot do without them.

Myth 3. All Website Builders Are The Same

Yes, Tilda is a constructor with many templates inside to fill out and launch the site on the Internet. We occasionally use ready-made blocks if it is essential from a technical point of view. For example, this includes an alliance with news cards or feedback forms. In 90% of cases, we develop unique blocks in terms of design. You can do this with Zero Block, a built-in editor for web design, where you can “draw” your website plan from scratch or customize building blocks.

About The Project 

Processes using RPA technology (robotic process automation). The technology implies the creation of “digital employees” or software robots that imitate the actions of a person interacting with various IT systems. The site design is based on the company’s corporate identity elements, which Uplab also developed.


In this project, the design of almost every block was invented from scratch by designers. The client did not have any visual content, so we were fully responsible for filling, drawing illustrations, and selecting images.

The site has a lot of step-by-step animation and micro-animation. This approach was chosen to evoke in the visitor associations with technology, robotization, the future, with which the activity of the customer company is connected. Complex elements distinguish the site from the background of others created on the constructor.


These are short, functional animations that help users navigate by visually responding to their actions—for example, the appearance of scrolling labels, factoids.

The site uses a circle that rotates by itself, attracting the attention of the unconventional effects.

Myth 4. Tilda Is Not Suitable For Creating Sites With A Lot Of Content

By default, all Tilda plans have a limit of 500 pages within one site. But what if you plan to post a lot of news or articles, but you don’t want to spend pages of the site?

Urban Environment

Site about a comfortable urban environment and housing and communal services was created with the support of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the best practices of urban beautification are broadcast on it, news on this topic is regularly published.


The company already had a site on 1C-Bitrix, but specialists did not know this platform well, and it was difficult for them to administer the site. The client constantly had to contact us even to post new materials. Therefore, it was decided to create a new website. Tilda fits perfectly: it is pretty easy to operate, and you can use it to implement everything on the old site.

We slightly changed the design following the new brand book and the client’s logo, picked up new photos, and left the same structure. Development took a little over a month.

Myth 5. A Website With A Constructor Is Not Suitable For Search Engine Promotion

It is widely believed that the sites assembled in the constructor are poorly promoted in search engines. Our experience shows that website promotion on Tilda can be pretty successful. Getting SEO visits and bids requires careful preparation and several essential tasks. 

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