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Do You Know How To Sell Your Talent? 5 Keys To Success In A Job Interview

Do You Know How To Sell Your Talent? 5 Keys To Success In A Job Interview? Today, few people know that how companies and workers are interrelated differs from a few years ago. For some time now, technological innovations have implemented a series of changes in the labor sector, resulting in radical modifications when looking for and offering employment.

When a candidate attends a job interview, they will worry about researching their possible new company on the Internet, reading and analyzing comments about it –especially those of their employees– on different pages, blogs, and social profiles. For its part, the company will also have carried out its preliminary analysis of the future candidate: it will have ‘googled’ his name online, and it will have ‘gossiped’ his social networks. It will even have requested references about him digitally.

For this reason, in a world where the relationship between company and employee has changed so much, it is essential to adapt to the new systems. More than providing a brilliant resume or answering all the interview questions ideally is required. Now more than ever, knowing how to sell your talent is critical. These are the keys to success.

Sell ​​Yourself Well (And Control What You Say)

Experts insist the interviewee should put shame aside and demonstrate her skills publicly. It is only helpful for a candidate to be the best at something if he makes it known. 

President of Reach Personal Branding, William Arruda, assures on his website that “the first step is to be very clear that building a strong personal brand has nothing to do with telling people how good you are, but rather it is related to showing others how great one is. The expression’ show, don’t tell is the key”.

It is not about being presumptuous and forgetting humility but about knowing your strengths to exploit them fully.

Go To Events Related To Your Interests.

No. Networking is not something exclusive to prominent company executives. Going, for example, on an after-work related to your sector is a way of connecting and making yourself known as a professional that will open doors to new challenges and expand your network of contacts; It will also be beneficial in a job interview. 

Companies will value that you have participated in talks, congresses, or events related to your work experience since attendance at this event denotes a great interest in continuing to learn and improve. 5 Keys To Success In A Job Interview

The Importance Of The Image

Although it may seem irrelevant, taking care of your brand image- is critical when communicating. Your first impression will be essential, so try to show a pleasant aspect according to your way of being and working (dress for the job you want, but do not dress up) and use the appropriate non-verbal language to convey calm and serenity.

Choose your CV photo carefully –professional, avoiding personal images– and pay attention that it has sufficient quality to be viewed without pixelation from any device. It is increasingly common for the digital version of your CV to take precedence over the printed one.  5 Keys To Success In A Job Interview

Remember that Human Resources staff can consult your CV from your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop, so try to adapt the content you offer them to all these new devices.

A ‘Skilled’ (And Well-Written) CV

Companies seek to locate profiles combining strategic and creative vision, the ability to manage change, and the knowledge to function in an increasingly technological environment. How to summarize this in your CV? Sell Your Talent? 5 Keys To Success In A Job Interview 5 Keys To Success In A Job Interview

Take the opportunity to include some of the skills most in demand today  (social media, web analytics, and different tools), but don’t forget to show your ‘soft skills,’ that is, ‘social’ skills such as creativity or strategic vision. Sell Your Talent? 5 Keys To Success In A Job Interview

Pay special attention to misspellings–they are responsible for 59% of CVs being rejected–; remember that “less is more” –synthesize and be transparent–; And please, never include expressions like “I’m a good listener” or “I have excellent communication skills.” A study by London’s New College of the Humanities revealed that “skills” like these are among the ten phrases managers least like when reading a CV.

When Sincerity Is Not Overrated

Reflect on each of your answers to give them a positive focus. It is not the same for you to say that you do not have experience in a particular sector because you have just finished your degree, rather than for you to change your point of view and communicate your availability to start working and contribute to the company all the knowledge acquired in your study stage. 5 Keys To Success In A Job Interview

Also, remember that sincerity will be your best ally. Don’t lie; be honest if you don’t know something they ask you during the interview. Honesty and the ability to accept ignorance on specific topics are points in your favor that companies will value. 5 Keys To Success In A Job Interview

Of course, generating a friendly and close environment while sharing virtues and possible challenges does not mean you should close the interview by exceeding your confidence. Never complete the discussion with questions like “How did you do?” or “So what exactly would I have to do in the position?” The success of your failure will be reasonably assured.

Also Read: Here’s What Startups Are Doing To Get Top Talent 

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