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HomeBUSINESSEmployee Branding, The Integration Of Employees In The Marketing Plan

Employee Branding, The Integration Of Employees In The Marketing Plan

Having an excellent online reputation and presence on social networks is essential for any company that wants to position itself in the digital economy, grow, and gain the trust of its customers. Therefore, having an employee branding strategy is very beneficial.

What is employee branding?

To define it, we must refer to a classic axiom in any company or organization adapted to the digital economy: getting employees to speak well of the company in which they work. This has a positive impact on the corporate image of a business.

In this strategy, the employee brand is used to promote and empower the company. This is only understood if we combine online reputation, social networks, and digital marketing.

Difference between Employee Branding and Employer Branding

These two terms are very similar and can lead to confusion. That is why we are going to talk about the difference between one and the other.

Employer branding is a concept that is related to the human resources department of any company. Try to find and retain the so-called digital talent. However, the term employee branding tries to boost the reputation and digital presence of a company, counting on the commitment of its employees to spread both the values ​​of the organization and the brand itself.

Thus, although they are related, employees are involved in being ambassadors of the brand itself, also called brand ambassadors. The aim is for them to actively participate in a marketing strategy that begins within the company itself and is subsequently transferred to the end customer.

The value of a strategy like this lies in the fact that, for a client, the word of an employee has much more value than any advertising and marketing campaign promoted by the company itself.

Benefits of implementing an employee branding strategy

Before talking about the benefits of carrying out a process of these characteristics, it is necessary to know how it can be carried out and what actions are required so that employees are the best speakers of the brand values ​​of the company in question.

How do you promote an employee branding strategy?

Firstly, in order to carry out this strategy, all the people and employees who collaborate and work in the company must be involved.

Involvement in decision-making: for the strategy to be truly effective, it is necessary that they know and be part of the decision-making process. Collaborative work is a powerful tool to achieve greater participation and active involvement.

Internal communication: all employees must be aware of the values ​​that govern the company and the objectives of the marketing strategy. If this does not happen, there is not much chance that the meaning of the brand can be enhanced and transmitted. For all this to be accurate, internal communication channels and the way of communicating knowledge must be improved. These two are the fundamental keys to digital transformation in organizations.

New formulas for daily work: it is necessary to have digital tools and to commit to the transition to the digital employee. Also, with new leadership tools that encompass communication channels and the rest of the internal devices. In addition to a very defined image, which is what is intended to be shown to the outside public.

External communication: the employee branding strategy is preceded by the internal process that reaches external communication. In this type of communication, employees are the best ambassadors of the brand, 

promoting the business marketing strategy with the following actions:

  • Dissemination of corporate content marketing on your profiles on different social networks.
  • Actively participate in the dissemination of brand launches, promotions, and giveaways.
  • Greater involvement in the selection processes aimed at finding new candidates who provide more excellent digital talent to the company.
  • Link your social profiles to the company so that the personal and corporate levels can be identified.
  • Greater involvement in the corporate social media strategy with recommendations and positive public comments on publications on different social networks.

Evaluation and participation: participation does not end with the application of the strategy, but the results must be communicated by reporting the data obtained from the different actions on social media platforms.

Why implement an employee branding strategy?

Thanks to the implementation of a strategy with these characteristics, the following benefits are obtained 

1. Boosting an organization’s digital trust

Social media followers think highly of employees supporting and getting involved in companies’ digital strategies.

2. Greater dissemination of products and brand awareness

Thanks to the sum of the personal profiles on social networks and the work carried out in them by the members of the work team.

3. Increase engagement 

The engagement of both members of the organization and employees is increased. This is due to a greater involvement with the values ​​of the brand itself. And it means that followers and potential clients on social networks have greater trust.

4. Strengthen reputation

It is strengthening the company’s digital reputation and brand image.

5. Get success

Long and medium-term sales and promotion objectives will be achieved.

6. Promote team building

From an internal point of view, teamwork is promoted, relationships are strengthened, work is carried out in a collaborative environment, and brand values ​​are identified while internal communication is improved.

7. Motivation of templates

From the employees’ point of view, being part of such a strategy brings benefits to their brand because they show their degree of specialization and knowledge in their professional sector.

Employee branding strategies are not imposed but must be facilitated with the necessary knowledge and tools to achieve employee involvement. They must transmit the brand values ​​both within the company itself and externally on the different social networks.

Also Read : All About The Employee Experience

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