Google Shopping Brings Sellers More Conversions.

Google Shopping brings sellers more conversions. Google Shopping – this is more conversions and growing competition for the popular price comparison product Eureka. Even small e-shops can compete with big players.
Google Shopping brought new opportunities for presenting the offer in the e-shop right after its launch. With a well-processed product feed and competitive prices, sellers, in some cases, get a higher conversion rate than Eureka.
How Does Google Shopping Work?
With brilliant ads, Google advises itself on how best to get conversions after initial campaign settings and subsequent optimization.
It works so that a potential customer, a consumer, is looking for a product. He enters it into Google. Google will then evaluate his request and display the relevant bids. It depends on the width of the image you set in the search. Google Shopping brings sellers more For smaller e-shops with a lower budget and cost savings, the name of a specific product will suffice. Larger shops with more flexible budgets reach for looser keywords.
When you enter a search term or product name, Google displays the available items that you advertise through Google Shopping but are also offered by other e-shops. If there are not many, they will appear in a row next to each other with a sliding arrow. If there are many, Google will show them in the right column.
Crucial Moment – Will The Customer Choose Your Offer?
Now comes the critical moment for the customer. If you have processed a quality XML feed with all the necessary and auxiliary parameters (Google recommends) and offered an attractive price, your chances of gaining a customer increase. If you are a smaller shop, you can beat big players. And here are the reasons.
Are You Leaving Eureka? No, Optimize Budgets.
For the e-shops we manage, we see an increase in conversions through purchases via Google Shopping. Yes, none of them dares (and we do not recommend) to leave Eureka. But with Google Shopping, new opportunities are opening up to optimize budgets for both platforms. You don’t have to put so much into Eureka and vice versa. If you are selling better through Google Shopping, then invest there.
Of course, take your margins into account because even the lowest price is not the solution. Although statistics still show that the price is still crucial for most Slovak customers. Heureke decides the number of reviews (positive and negative), user ratings, or ratings provided by Heureka – Customer Awards. It’s essential to have a percentage – it’s excellent if customers rate you positively and have 95%. Google Shopping brings sellers more This is where the golden wreath awaits you, and it has a positive effect on customers. And the credibility of your e-shop is rising.
The Following Plays A Role In Google Shopping:
- Cena
- Quality XML feed
- Kvalita Landing page
It is essential to prepare the product feed to be acceptable to Google. We use the Mercado application to edit XML feeds.
Then Download The XML Feed To The Merchant Center.
Now try entering a keyword like a laptop into Google. Google shows you a range of laptops from different brands, price ranges, and several e-shops. Have you chosen?
Let’s try typing Lenovo Notebook into the Google search engine now. Better? The offer is more accurate. We only see one brand but in different price ranges.
Now let’s write a specific model in the search engine. For example, Lenovo Idea pad 320. What do you say now?
This offers a specific model from various sellers – choose by price or favourite e-shop. You can specify the query for Google. Even more, you can select the required RAM or processor type. If your e-shop has vXML feeds, Google will show you such an offer. Here, too, we see a great advantage for small e-shops. Thanks to the details, they can get more conversions.
How Much To Invest In Google Shopping Ads?
We tried different options. It’s usually a good idea to start with a higher budget so that Google can gather the data as soon as possible and adapt the advertising algorithm to the information obtained. For your ads to work properly, we recommend setting your initial budget to at least US $ 10 per day. Try to bet or stay at that value if it works for you. The results may no longer live up to expectations with a smaller budget. Google Shopping brings sellers more The reason is simple, the more conversions – and therefore the information for the algorithm – the better Google Shopping works.
What Were Your Black Friday Results On Google Shopping?
We’ll probably agree that Black Friday has made sense this year. Many e-shops have turned out that what they put in advertising is returned to them through products sold at a reduced price, reaching zero. In the worst case, to the minus. There are segments where it is enough to meet the turnover, and the given brand pays a cash bonus, or the turnover is solved by new delivered material. But are such turnovers just a long-term solution for the e-shop?
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