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HomeMARKETINGWhat Is The Buyer Persona?

What Is The Buyer Persona?

What Is The Buyer Persona? Do you know your current and potential consumers? Would you know how to identify their behaviors or motivations? Understanding these aspects in depth is essential to make a good Marketing strategy. For this reason, in today’s post, we will discuss the buyer persona. Do you know what it is? Keep reading! 

Buyer Persona

The buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation that helps us define and get to know our ideal client in detail. It is based on demographic data, behavior patterns, motivations, objectives and challenges.

Why Is It Essential In Marketing?

Having identified buyer personas in our Marketing strategy allows us to:

  • Have more specific knowledge of our current and potential customers and thus understand them better.
  • Ability to create and plan more relevant content.
  • Personalize our message according to which segment of our target audience we want to reach.
  • What type of communication to use for each buyer persona?
  • Develop products and services based on their needs, concerns and behaviors.

How Many Buyer Personas Should You Have?

Depending on the type of business, it can be from 1 or 2 to 20 buyer personas. Starting in the market will be enough to start with a little and add more as you get more information.

Where Can I Find Information To Create Them?

To create your buyer personas, it is necessary to investigate with actual data through surveys, interviews or relevant information from your current and potential customers.

In interviews, it is advisable to take into account the following tips to ensure that the information is as close as possible to reality:

  • Incentives are not usually used since they can have some influence on the answers given.
  • Opt for personalized interviews to get detailed information.
  • Describe your purpose in the interview and explain why. This prevents it from looking like a “sales call” and allows the person you are interviewing to feel like they are part of the conversation.
  • Conduct an easy and flexible interview.
  • Initially, if you already have some information, start by interviewing between 3 and 5 people for each buyer persona you will create.

On the other hand, in addition to surveys and interviews, you can also obtain precious information from:

  • Your database: with the data you have in your database, you can analyze and observe trends in how your customers use your information.
  • Forms on your website: you can include questions where you can collect essential information to meet your buyer persona.
  • Company contact personnel: they are the ones who interact the most with your consumers, so their experience and knowledge are relevant to collect information from your buyer personas.

How Do I Create Them?

Once the information from the above sources has been identified and analyzed, you must answer a series of questions to develop a scheme for your buyer persona. Typically, the questions will depend on the type of business, product or service you own and the answer you are looking for. However, we propose some guiding questions:

  • Basic information questions: data about your job (industry, position, functions, responsibilities…) and demographic data : (gender, age range, marital status, education, children…) to get to know them better.
  • Questions about the goals, motivations and challenges that your current and potential clients have so that you can understand how to help them.
  • Questions about where you search for and consume information and your purchasing process.

In addition to these questions, it includes the most common complaints that your buyer persona can present in the sales process, identifiers that help you to know their preferences, and accurate quotes that your customers have been able to leave in interviews or other sources of information.

By answering these questions, you will be able to create the profile of your buyer persona. You can include more questions that help you identify and develop them and what is related to your company, product and service. Also, to make it more realistic, you can include an image and a name that characterizes that buyer persona.

As you can see, there are all advantages to having your buyer personas identified in your business. It will allow you to create a good Marketing strategy and to know and communicate better with your customers.

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