Do You Know What Is Business Intelligence And Why It Is An Advantage For Your Business?

Do You Know What Is Business Intelligence And Why It Is An Advantage For Your Business?

what Business Intelligence is will help you optimize business decision-making and allow you to analyze how the company is working. Converting data into valuable information represents a competitive advantage that will place the organization in a strategic position concerning its competitors.

For this reason, companies seek strategies, methodologies, and tools that help them focus on objectives and determine the following steps.

What Is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence or business intelligence, refers to the collection of data, through different tools that, later, are transformed into useful information for decision-making in companies. Do You Know What Business Intelligence

The first time the term was used was in the year 1865, in the encyclopedia Cyclopedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes published in the USA. Although, until the 20th century, we could not talk about business intelligence as we know it today.

Peter Luhn, a researcher at IBM, is considered the father of business intelligence because his research was crucial to understanding how data analysis can improve business decisions. “BI is the ability to learn the relationships of facts presented in a way that guides actions toward a desired goal,” Luhn said.

Following these investigations, in the 1970s, SAP and other companies developed business applications in which data could be entered into databases.

However, it was during the 80s and 90s when more business intelligence tools began commercializing. Very useful for some companies but could have been more intuitive. In addition, these applications require the user to have the computer knowledge to get the most out of the tool. Do You Know What Business Intelligence

Towards the end of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, more straightforward applications began to be developed that sought to combine easy-to-use Business Intelligence solutions that provided reliable and secure information.

Why Is Business Intelligence An Advantage For Your Business?

The main objective of business intelligence is to convert data into valuable information for the company and transform it into knowledge to carry out practical work.

Key Benefits Of Business Intelligence:

  • Ability to anticipate problems that may arise and provide almost immediate solutions.
  • Monitoring of the objectives set and making projections for the future.
  • Identify the sales that are taking place and those sectors in which the results are not as expected.
  • Support for companies to make appropriate decisions based on truthful and reliable information.
  • Opportunity to analyze internal and external information to the organization.
  • Greater competitiveness compared to other companies in the sector.

And it is that, as the businessman and lawyer Cesar Alierta declared, «data is the oil of the 21st century. The deployment of sensors and the increase in processing capacity are key in transforming many sectors and creating a more measurable and programmable world”.

What Types Of Tools Does Business Intelligence Offer Us?

The typology of Business Intelligence tools is very broad, although three large blocks can be distinguished: Do You Know What Business Intelligence

Data Management Tools:

They allow purifying and standardizing of data from different sources and extracting, transforming, and transferring them to a specific system.

Applications To Discover New Data:

Used to collect information, evaluate it, and apply analysis techniques to make future projections. Do You Know What Business Intelligence

Reporting Tools:

With all the information collected, whether new or already existing, and processed, these tools help companies to visualize it graphically. In addition, it is also possible to integrate this information into the KPIs dashboards and generate all kinds of reporting reports.

There are many diverse Business Intelligence applications on the market, depending on the sector, the needs of each organization, or the budget available.

Some of these applications are designed by large software manufacturers such as Microsoft, Oracle, or SAP, although, increasingly, there are other proposals from emerging companies: Do You Know What Business Intelligence

  • tableau
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • IBM Cognos Analytics
  • SAP business intelligence
  • QlikView

These and other tools that combine Big Data, Machine Learning, or Artificial Intelligence also offer the possibility of crossing the information collected with previously set objectives, which is of great value for making the right decisions and developing future business strategies. Do You Know What Business Intelligence

Business intelligence allows us to analyze and compare large amounts of information, quickly performing data crossings in real-time and without errors. That is why Business Intelligence has already become a must within organizations that seek to prosper and obtain the best results.

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