#Hashtags: How To Use Them Correctly?

#Hashtags: How To Use Them Correctly? Surely, no matter how unfamiliar you are with social networks for companies or, in general, you have come across #hashtags. Yes, we are talking about those words that are preceded by the hash mark and used as labels in publications and campaigns on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn…
However, it is important to know where the limit is and to establish the correct use of these tags correctly. This is something that every Instagram manager should know to develop the strategy of each of the social networks for companies.
We tell you in this post the necessary tips to make good use of #hashtags.
The Keywords Of Social Networks For Companies
A hashtag is a metadata tag with a hashtag at the beginning, with the main purpose of being quickly identified by users and by the platform itself. In a few words, they are used to mark the subject of the content we are sharing on the networks. Thus, they gain a lot of prominence in both Instagram and Twitter campaigns, among other dissemination channels.
The grouping of these tags, which are the keywords of the social networks, allows the content related to each other to be classified. The content creators use them to increase the reach of the publications, and users use them to carry out their searches on a specific topic. In this way, it is much easier for an Instagram manager to identify the issues that achieve the greatest virality on the Internet. And it is that, in fact, from there is born what we know as Trending Topic on Twitter.
Both #hashtags and keywords are used to gain more visibility in the search engines of their respective platforms, so they help drive organic traffic to the company’s website or social media page. Both help fight competition organically, without campaigns on Instagram or any paid social network. Hashtags, however, boast much more immediate results than keywords.
#Hashtags For Instagram
In this channel, the content format par excellence is images, which are always more attractive when accompanied by hashtags. It is a way of sharing photos, reaching more users, and attracting more followers.
They can be used in the images published in the feed, in the comments, in the timeline, and the stories. #Hashtags: How To Use Them Correctly?
The social network allows the use of 30 tags per publication. However, every Instagram manager has to think that the best thing to do is to bet on a few #hashtags of a specific nature and related to photography.
Please take note of the hashtags of the competition or profiles of companies in the same sector and take them as a reference. Please do not copy them. Use your own and use the search engine for a narrower choice. #Hashtags: How To Use Them Correctly?
Encourage your followers to follow your business hashtags to keep up to date with new related content published on Instagram. #Hashtags: How To Use Them Correctly?
Hashtags Para Twitter
We are in the cradle of #hashtags, these being an essential element within this platform and that, without a doubt, must be taken into account in social media strategies for companies. A tweet that includes a hashtag can rank up to twice as high as one without tags. #Hashtags: How To Use Them Correctly?
The number of #hashtags that must be used is between 1 and 2. Using one “own” or “recognized” of your brand and another directly linked to the tweet is advisable.
Please consider the Trending Topics as long as they fit our content. If they are short, they will be easier to assimilate. #Hashtags: How To Use Them Correctly?
Please avoid using labels from other recognized brands since the important thing is to create a position with the term according to our company.
Attract people who still need to learn about our brand. If, with a specific hashtag, they know its intention and its content, the public will feel more comfortable starting an interaction with us. #Hashtags: How To Use Them Correctly?
Having said all this, you always have to think that each platform has its peculiarities and specifications. Therefore, a keyword or hashtag that succeeds in campaigns on Instagram does not mean it will do so on another social network.
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