What Is And What Is The Google Algorithm For?

What Is And What Is The Google Algorithm For?

What is and what is the Google algorithm for? Whether we are dedicated to SEO or not, all marketing professionals have ever heard of “the Google algorithm.” This algorithm is responsible for determining the position of your URL (website, article, product…) in the search results.

What Is The Google Algorithm?

The Google algorithm is nothing more than an artificial intelligence generated through a mathematical formula responsible for analyzing the quality of the content of a URL and deciding its position in the search results.

It is specifically designed to show users those results that will be useful for their search. For example, if we search in Google [Latest Tech Updates], we will find that Howcomtech appears in the first position.

Appearing in the top positions is not by chance. In addition to optimizing the content to meet minimum technical requirements, the result is continuous work and specialization.

Google Panda: Your Great Ally Or Your Worst Enemy

Google Panda is the name given to one of Google’s famous algorithms for web positioning. Its objective is a maxim: to detect quality content and offer it to those users who are searching.

Why Does Google Panda Work This Way?

Very easy. Because technical knowledge in terms of positioning is becoming more global, everyone knows it, so the way to offer the best search results is by determining the quality of the content.

You must succeed first, no matter how good the content you publish on your website, or else it will not be displayed.

Because of this, the quality of the writing is vital, and above all, the content meets the need or problem that the user is trying to solve.

If someone searches Google for what to see in New York and you have a travel and world cities blog, try to answer that question most clearly and concisely, thus solving the user’s need.

There is an expression that summarizes what you should not do to offer quality content: go around the bush. If you want to be a friend of Google Panda, focus on the user, solve their doubts, and do not copy content from other sites; Be original.

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