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HomeBUSINESSHow To Increase Sales In My Online Store?

How To Increase Sales In My Online Store?

How To Increase Sales In My Online Store? It is the most common question of all those who have a business, and even more so if we have entered an online store to expand our business, how to increase the sales of our online store?

We can talk about competitive prices, unique products, a friendly, intuitive, simple, and error-free store, simplified purchasing processes, elegant presentation, and good quality… but the first thing we must generate leads to my online store.

It is very important to consider all of the above, but if the public does not enter my online store, I will not be able to sell, no matter how well-organized everything else is.

In a very interesting talk by Andy Crestodina (co-founder and strategic director of Orbit Media ), he explains the fundamental basis of lead generation.

Part of the basis is that the leads or contacts come for two reasons: the conversion rate and traffic. That is, the more traffic our website generates and the higher the conversion rate we have, the greater our sales will be, which is quite evident and basic.

We improve conversion by having clear information and prices consistent with the service, addressing objections, and answering questions. In short, we have a good online store design for the company.

How Do We Get More Traffic To Our Website?

You can get traffic to our website in many ways: AdWords campaigns, social networks… and the last but most important, SEO traffic from search engines, that is, people who search the internet for relevant terms or keywords and our page appears in said search.

For example, suppose I am getting divorced and want a lawyer. In that case, I will write the safest thing on the internet, divorce lawyers in Madrid, mainly because although there will be very good lawyers outside of Madrid as well, what interests me is to focus on good lawyers in my area.

In this way, we will naturally attract user traffic to our website, and for this, it is important to work on a good SEO position to stand out from the rest and thus attract a greater number of visits to our website.

How Do I Improve My SEO Positioning?

We have seen that a good SEO positioning of our website increases the number of visitors, which, together with a good, well-planned web design, translates into conversions, but… how to improve my SEO?

Regardless of whether the company that works with SEO advises you on what actions they will take, for example, programming aspects, code debugging, optimization of descriptions, H1, h2, h3… tags, image description… we, independently From this, we can and must work on the content that we offer, which is ultimately the basis of everything.

We must help, teach and provide knowledge and experience to the reader, and we must be creative with unique content. Relevant content provides visitors with comfort on our website, which results in a longer visit time on the page and increases the chances that they share the content with third parties by making our page viral.

In any case, different, personal, and educational content is essential if we can also support it with photos and videos and upload it to social networks, even better.

How Do I Know What Content To Contribute?

In the previous section, we talked about how to improve my SEO positioning. Now we are going to touch on how I know what content to contribute and how I know what others are looking for.

This is quite simple. When I do a Google search on whatever topic, it gives me results of what other people are looking for.

Following the previous case, if we write the word lawyers in Google, we get terms that other people are looking for, therefore, terms that other users are looking for and that would potentially generate more traffic for me at this time (we take into account that searches are changing and that that today is top 10 tomorrow may not be).

In this case, the terms to generate different contents would be criminal lawyers, labor lawyers, and family lawyers… with the term lawyers in front.

Can I Improve More?

Yes, it can always be improved, and we can talk about link campaigns to increase the relevance of your domain and page. We can talk about moving the web on social networks with Community Managers, mixing it with AdWords campaigns that attract customers to your page… but The basis of everything is a good web design with relevant, attractive, and original content.

We can hire a company that makes us a beautiful website, but the reality is that this fulfills us. Google likes that it is well programmed, users that it is easy to navigate, and has relevant content. This is the approach that we must take as a start.

A good professional in web development for companies must not only execute a good web design but know how to convey to the client the need and importance of your involvement in the entire process through your contribution of content and unique ideas.

Never Copy. Take Ideas.

When making a store, a common mistake is copying products from other pages and their texts, basically for convenience and “saving” time. This is a big mistake because the search engines identify pages plagiarizing from others, which they penalize by not giving them the importance they would be given if the content were their own.

Clearly, if we sell an existing product, its characteristics and descriptions are what they are. Still, we can try to capture the same thing differently and contribute our knowledge and experience with different content than the existing ones.

When Google sees novelty and new ideas, it rewards them by improving positioning so that users always see the latest. This is precisely what we are looking for. The products of our new online store have top positions, and we will not achieve this with a copy-paste, no matter how well the online store is done.

We must see how other pages are developed to get ideas but never copy content literally. Originality is rewarded in the Google search engine.

Last Conclusions.

If we want to increase sales in my online store, we must…

Have a good store design with great web development (don’t save money at this point because you will give the project a death blow as soon as it is born).

Insert products with content, interesting and different from the rest.

Generate traffic to your website by searching Google for topics that interest the audience and generate content for them.

Improve SEO positioning by refining the entire web project and standing out from the rest of the competition.

Do AdWords campaigns with those products and services that most interest you due to their competitive prices, unique products.

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