Recruitment And Selection Of Personnel For A Company

Recruitment And Selection Of Personnel For A Company

Recruitment And Selection Of Personnel For A Company: Choosing the template that will make up the engine of your company is not an easy task and poor management can be the Achilles heel of your project. That is why in this post we explain the difference between recruiting and selecting personnel . We will also give you the keys to carry out this process in the most comfortable way possible. Recruitment And Selection 

On The One Hand, Let’s Define What Personnel Recruitment Is:

This is the name given to the process of identifying and summoning potential qualified and suitable candidates to the labor organization to fill vacant positions in a certain company. Vacant positions are usually filled in two ways: internal (moving areas or promoting an employee) and external (resorting to the search for workers outside the organization, expanding or renewing the workforce). Recruitment And Selection 

In this sense, it is the art of uniting those who are looking for personnel with those who are currently looking for a job or want to change jobs. Despite being quick and inexpensive, it is a decisive stage, since the consequences of an erroneous recruitment can be devastating for the company. Recruitment And Selection 

In A Second Stage We Proceed To The Selection Of Personnel:

This is the process from which the HR area. H H. of a company is preparing to choose the best candidates to fill one or several job roles. It is quite expensive and takes some time. Preliminary interviews , situational meetings with the working group, psychological tests and medical check-up, etc. Recruitment And Selection 

Sometimes you have all these steps, but sometimes others, it all depends on how each company has organized its personnel selection process according to its profile and needs.

High Performance Teams

When we plan our business projects we want to imagine our company on a pedestal. With a team that works like clockwork. That is precisely what high performance teams are . The team that every company wants to have, but that only those that best manage their workflows manage to achieve. Recruitment And Selection 

High-performance teams within  organizations are teams with very clear objectives , and who also know perfectly the steps to follow to achieve them. Beyond the fulfillment of their objectives, these teams are made up of people who are highly motivated and results-oriented; they establish synergistic interpersonal relationships, based on trust ; and they have a high individual development of the so-called «high performance» skills, the 5Cs of teamwork (communication-collaboration-cohesion-trust-commitment). 

Google is the most popular search engine on the Internet, a definition of efficiency and productivity that places the company in one of the basic examples of high-performance teamwork. Google needed two years of research to study the work dynamics of more than 180 teams, they interviewed more than 200 employees and studied hundreds of competencies from each of the work groups. Recruitment And Selection 

The idea of ​​this study was to identify the performance of work teams. However, the first results obtained changed the focus of the investigation. They discovered that the secret to group productivity was in the interaction between the parts of the team and not in the elements that make it up. Recruitment And Selection 

Google’s keys to having the “perfect work team” are the psychological safety of its members, self-confidence and the competitive skills of their peers. 

Also Read: Keys For Businesses To Choose The Best Billing Program For Their Activity


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